Texas Counties Deliver

What is an Election Worker?

Election workers work at the polls on Election Day and during Early Voting to ensure voters can exercise their rights in an honest and well-organized manner. 

You are eligible if you:

  • Are qualified to vote in Caldwell County.
  • Do not hold an elected office or are not the employee of an elected official.
  • Enjoy interaction with the public.

When are Election Days & What are the Hours Worked?

General elections are held each year on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Primary elections, if held, are always scheduled for the first Tuesday in March in even-numbered years. Uniform elections are held on the first Saturday in May. Early Voting begins up to 17 days prior to any election and continues through the 4th day prior to that election.

Election workers arrive at the polling place as early as 6:00 A.M. on Election Day and must remain until the polls are closed and results are transported to the Central Counting Station.  Polling places for Election Day are always open from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Early Voting hours vary from election to election.

Fill out the voter information sheet and return to the Elections office. 

Email: caldwellec@co.caldwell.tx.us

Phone: (512) 668-4347    Fax: (512) 398-1821

Mailing Address: 1403 Blackjack St, Suite A, Lockhart, TX 78644

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