Beginning July 1, 2019 attorneys MUST electronically file criminal documents in Caldwell County. (See Court of Criminal Appeals Order No. 16-003).
Please read through the rules below, paying close attention to Part 5 regarding the filing of documents that contain sensitive date, if the data is not specifically required by statute or court rule.
Supreme Court Order No. 15-9205
Final Approval of Rules Governing Electronic Filing in Criminal Cases (Joint Order, Court of Criminal Appeals Misc. Docket No. 15-004)
You must file into eFile Texas by using an Office of Court Administration (OCA) approve Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP). (Part 2 of order above)
* Some EFSPs charge a fee for filing or for credit card payment processing
* There are EFSP options that are free of charge
* See http://www.efiletexas.gov/service-providers.htm for more details
If you are appearing in court for a hearing within 24 hours of filing thru e-File, you will need to provide a courtesy copy of the filing to the court.