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Commissioners recognize Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Caldwell County commissioners on Tuesday signed a proclamation recognizing February as Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. 

One in three adolescents is a victim of emotional, sexual, physical or verbal abuse from a partner. The proclamation acknowledges the importance of safe, supportive relationships to success and wellbeing and the role that community leaders, educators, parents and other members of the community play in being a positive influence in this area.



Representatives of Hays-Caldwell Women's Center (HCWC), a non-profit that non-profit that offers free and confidential services to adults, youth, and children who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and child abuse who live, work, or attend school in Hays and Caldwell Counties were recognized for their efforts to educate and support the community. 

Click here to read the full resolution.

February is Black History Month

Caldwell County commissioners last week signed a proclamation recognizing February as Black History Month. Black History Month celebrates the achievements, contributions, and experiences of African Americans throughout history while also acknowledging the struggles and challenges Black Americans have faced.




- Signed proclamation by Caldwell County commissioners:


-Black history month from a national perspective, courtesy of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture:


-A recent story showcasing St. John Colony, which was established in Caldwell County in the 1870s by people who were formerly enslaved:


- The Caldwell County Historical Commission Website, which includes entries on St. John Colony and the Carver school:

System outage at tax office in Lockhart

The system at the Lockhart location of the Caldwell County Tax Assessor/Collector's office at the Caldwell County Courthouse is temporarily offline as of 2:55 p.m. The Luling office is unaffected and will be open until 4 p.m. if you need immediate assistance. We hope to identify and correct the issue shortly.