Mass Gathering Permits

If you are planning to hold an event in Caldwell County that takes place outside the limits of a municipality, you may be required to apply for a Mass Gathering Permit.

Mass Gathering Permits are required if:

  • The event is expected to attract more than 2,500 people, or
  • If the event is expected to attract more than 500 people and 51% of those in attendance are expected to be under 21 years old and it is expected that alcoholic beverages will be sold, served or consumed around the gathering.
  • If the event is a greyhound or horse race that expects to attract at least 100 people AND is being held at a location at which parimutuel wagering is authorized.


    • At least forty-five (45) days prior to the first day of the planned gathering, the Caldwell County Mass Gathering Permit Application Packet must be received at the County Judge’s Office, 110 S. Main Street (1st Floor), Lockhart, TX 78644. The mass gathering permit application packet may be downloaded below. The mass gathering permit process is governed by Texas Health and Safety Code Section 751.007.
    • No application shall be considered to have been submitted until it is accompanied by an application fee. Fees shall be paid with cashier’s check or money order, payable to "Caldwell County Treasurer.” The standard application fee for a mass gathering permit is $400.00 (nonrefundable). If it is determined during the application review process that additional security measures are needed, the promoter is responsible for the scheduling and costs associated with those services.
    • Not later than ten (10) days before the event, for which the application is submitted, the County Judge shall hold a hearing to determine whether the mass gathering permit shall be granted. Applications may be denied for any of the reasons enumerated in Section 751.007 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.
    • The Caldwell County Sheriff, Emergency Management Chief, and Local Health Authority will investigate preparations for the mass gathering. At least five (5) days before the date on which the hearing is held, the authorities listed above will submit to the County Judge a report stating whether they believe the minimum standards for ensuring public safety and order that are prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained.
    • Please fill in the application, print it and submit it to the Caldwell County Judge's office, which is located on the first floor of the Caldwell County Courthouse at 110 S. Main Street in Lockhart. 

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