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Commissioners Court Recap: January 28, 2025

Caldwell County Commissioners discussed the burn ban, hiring a salaried director to lead the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation, a child-care facility tax abatement, and awarding a bid for a general engineering consultant for projects covered by the 2024 road bond.



(Pictured l-r: Pct. 1 Commissioner B.J. Westmoreland, Pct. 2 Commissioner Rusty Horne, County Judge Hoppy Haden, Pct. 3 Commissioner Ed Theriot, Pct. 4 Commissioner Dyral Thomas)


Next meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 11


Burn ban remains off

The Caldwell County burn ban will remain off amid conditions that continue to hover well below the threshold for drought. The average KBDI – which measures drought – for the area is 394, with 575 being the measurement that indicates drought conditions are present. Chief EMC Hector Rangel said that while there had been a few structure fires over the past few weeks, there had not been much wildfire activity of note and that both temperatures and rain chances were expected to increase.


Commissioners approve match for salaried community services foundation director

Commissioners voted to provide $49,000 in matching funds to create a paid executive director position to lead the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation, which has granted nearly $500,000 to 56 local nonprofits since its inception in 2019. Commissioners approved providing matching funds with the St. David’s Foundation for two years. Caldwell County Judge Hoppy Haden said he would work with the attorney for the county to work on language for the agreement and bring it back to a future meeting for discussion and approval.


Other Action

Commissioners also:

  • Approved an amendment adding Westwood Road (CR 215) between US 183 and FM 20 to the Order Prohibiting Thru Traffic on Designated County Roads. The order prohibits vehicles with five or more axles from traveling on the roadway.
  • Approved a proclamation designating February 2025 as Black History Month in Caldwell County.
  • Voted unanimously in opposition of opting into a tax abatement for childcare facilities in Caldwell County pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 64 and Section 11.36 of the Texas Tax Code. Commissioners said they were in favor of tax breaks provided the savings were passed along to parents who relied on childcare centers – especially low-income families—but that current legislation presents no way to ensure that’s where the money is going.
  • Approved an order authorizing the sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day. The order takes effect Feb. 25 and expires March 2. It prohibits the sale and usage of aerial fireworks with sticks or fins.
  • Appointed Commissioner Ed Theriot as Caldwell County’s representative on the Economic Development San Marcos Board.
  • Reappointed Steve Fogle and Martin Ritchey to the ESD #4 Board of Commissioners to serve through Dec. 31, 2026.
  • Reappointed Charles Royall to the ESD #5 Board of Commissioners through Dec. 31, 2026.
  • Approved re-solicitation for an RFQ for a vendor to handle Planned Improvement District (PID) Administration Consulting Services.
  • Approved awarding the bid for a general engineering consultant to work with on projects related to the 2024 road bond. The county will contract with Kansas City-based HNTB Corporation.


This is only a summary of meeting highlights. Click here to access full meeting minutes and watch video of the meeting.